Cancer Care Proced > Pro-Active Lymphedema Care and Lymphatic Reconstructive Surgery
Pro-Active Lymphedema Care and Lymphatic Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Marga is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon with a focus on Pro-Active Lymphedema Care and all forms of Lymphatic Surgery to include Vascularized Lymph Node Transfers (VLNTx), Lymphovenous Anastamosis (LVA) and Volume Reduction Liposuction. She is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist and has served on the Medical Advisory Committee of the National Lymphedema Network. Her clinical commitment to the care of lymphedema patients extends for more than a decade in the Low Country of South Carolina.
Dr. Marga has a unique clinical focus on combined Cervical VLNTx + Upper and Lower Limb Volume Reduction Liposuction. Microsurgical Lymph Node Transfer Flaps from the cervical region of the lower neck are transferred to nodal regions of the affected limb along with debulking liposuction during the same operative procedure. Such procedures are typically completed within 4-6 hours in the operating room. Patients do require drains for up to one week after surgery. Patients are hospitalized overnight but require outpatient manual lymphatic drainage on-site prior to release for air or ground travel exceeding 3 hours.
Dr. Marga would be pleased to address your personal lymphatic reconstructive needs in the setting of an in-person consultation that includes Tm-99 and ICG lymphoscintigraphies. Your appointment will extend from 8 am to 4 pm in the Charleston office adjacent to the downtown Roper St. Francis Hospital.

Phone consults are not available for individuals seeking lymphatic reconstruction of the lower extremities.
Pro-Active Lymphedema Care is extended to all Breast Cancer Survivors without additional charges.